A Greek man at Philates

A Greek man at Philates


Edward Lear (1812-1888)
A Greek man at Philates

Inscribed lower left: Philates/Aug. 10-14 1856 and numbered 13 lower right
Pen and brown ink and watercolour heightened with bodycolour
10.7 by 7cm., 4 ¼ by 2 ¾ inches

Lear was living on Corfu in the summer of 1856. In July 1856 his friend Franklin Lushington announced he was taking a boat to Albania and Lear accompanied him with his servant Giorgio intending to travel on to Mount Athos. This sketch was taken at Philates or Filiates which is a town in the Epirus region inland from the coast near the river Kalamas. A watercolour of Philates by Lear dated 13
th August 1856 is in the collection of the Tate Gallery (T01004)