Portrait of a girl, resting her book on a table

Portrait of a girl, resting her book on a table



John Martin (1789-1854)
Portrait of a Girl resting a Book on a Table

Signed and dated 1829
Watercolour over traces pencil heightened with bodycolour
18.5 by 13 cm., 7 ¼ by 5 in.

With the Christopher Wood Gallery, London;
Anonymous sale, Christie's, 9th July 1985, lot 107, where bought by the present owner

This is a rare figure study or portrait by Martin who is best known for his large paintings and watercolours of biblical or historical subjects. It was likely to have used or intended for a book illustration. William Feaver writes: `Between 1827 and 1834 Martin provided many illustrations for
Keepsakes, Amulets, Gems and Literary Souvenirs (see William Feaver, The Art of John Martin, 1975, p.110).